COVID Plan for The Australian Psychic Expo
Date of preparation: July 8, 2020. Updated April 29, 2021.
General Manager: John Gold Tel. 0408 778 516
Expo Manager: Kornelia Gold Tel. 0409 499 782
The Australian Psychic Expo operates under Stage 3 Business Restrictions as stated on the Queensland Government's COVID19 website at www.covid19.qld.gov.au
All expo participants are informed of their responsibilities in relation to COVID19 prior to the commencement of each of our events
All clairvoyants and exhibitors are informed that our events are to involve no physical contact whatsoever and that they are at all times to comply with the current social distancing rules. Regular handwashing and/or hand sanitizing are done throughout each trading day.
Alcohol-based sanitiser and paper towels are situated at all entry points, as well as in a central position within the expo hall. All clairvoyants wash and/or sanitise their hands after seeing each client. Frequently touched areas are cleaned and sanitised throughout each working day at least once every two hours. Expo management pays particular attention to compliance by all expo participants and visitors.
Large signs are placed at the entry points informing attendees that the expo can facilitate a maximum of 50 people at one time (including expo participants). This number is subject to change in accordance with the laws as set down by the Queensland and/or Federal Government. Signage is placed at all entry points stating that we are a COVID-Safe business, and that social distancing is mandatory. Floor markings are placed 1.5 metres apart at the point where patrons are waiting to book a reading. Waiting areas have seating placed 1.5 metres between each chair.
All visitors to the Expo are required to sign in by way of using the Check In Qld app (or Check In NT app when in Darwin) which are downloadable from Google Play. If you haven’t already got the app you can get it by using this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.gov.qld.checkin
The app is also available from the Apple App Store. If you do not have the app on your phone and you need assistance to get it our Expo Manager Konnie will assist you to download it. If you do not have a mobile phone, you may sign in using the visitors' book, which is situated at the front desk, in which you’ll be required to write your name, address and phone number prior to gaining entry.
No sharing of equipment or tools is permitted.
All bathrooms are cleaned and sanitised at regular intervals throughout the day.
Our Expo Manager Kornelia Gold ("Konnie") is fully aware of what is required in order to maintain the highest possible health standards throughout the duration of our events. In addition, periodical group meetings of all participants take place in order to remind them of their responsibilities in relation to hygiene and social distancing.
All expo participants are reminded prior to the commencement of each event that if they are feeling unwell they must immediately leave the premises and seek medical attention. Signage is placed at all entry points informing visitors that if they are feeling unwell they are to not enter the expo hall, but are to seek immediate medical attention.
John Gold
General Manager
July 8, 2020. (Updated April 29, 2021)